
Until version 0.1.2, kHTTPd had an Apache-like architecture: A number of
threads was handling one request each. This model is simple to program, but
it had severe disadvantages when a lot of requests were being handled: The
system spent a considerable time in the scheduler. 15000 reschedules per
second was no exception. In the 2.2.x days, this was expensive. In the 2.3.x
kernel, considerable work is done to reduce the schedule-overhead, so it
might just be that this architecture will perform again in the near future.

The current (version 0.1.3 and above) architecture resembles the
architecture of Zeus and tHTTPd. There is one single thread (per CPU) that
handles all requests.
Every request in the request-queue has a state associated with it.
The lifecycle of a request, in terms of state-transitions, is shown in the
graphic below.
For cache-efficiency and modularity-reasons, all requests are grouped by
state and are serviced per group: In a run, all pending connections are
handled first, then all requests in the "decode-header" state, etc etc.
This has the advantage of modular design; each of the states has its own C
file, has one interface to the main-file and can be replaced without
affecting the other states.
This design has some caveats that must be dealt with:
- Sice there is one thread per CPU, the thread should not block under
normal circumstances
- Ideally, every thread sould stick to its CPU; there is no way to make
sure this happends in Linux right now
- Polling for work to be done should be very efficient
High-load behavior
Unlike the old architecture, this architecture schedules less with
increasing load. Under extreme load (over 2000 requests per second), the
daemon schedules hardly at all. Effectively, under low load, the daemon
operates in an interrupt-driven way, while under high load, it operates in a
polling way.