Note: Don't trust benchmarks more than you trust politicians. Trust my
benchmarks even less.
Benchmark-results with kHTTPd 0.1.3
kHTTPd 0.1.3 (marked "1.3", running kernel 2.2.10) is running against Zeus
(marked "kernel236_zeus", running kernel 2.3.6) and Apache 1.3.3 (no tuning):

(X-axis = number of cuncurrent requests (-c parameter from ApacheBench),
Y-axis = achieved requests per second)
All benchmarks are done on a K6-2 350 Mhz server with ApacheBench fetching a
static 1K file on a K6-2 300 Mhz client, over a 100BaseT (100 Mbit, full
duplex) network-connection.