An Introduction to mSQL

1. From the manual

2. Using the lite sample.lib in a web page
Download this html file



    <script language="javascript">
    <!-- begin hiding

    function dataValidate()
      daysInMonth = new makeArray( 12 );
      daysInMonth[0] = 31;
      daysInMonth[1] = 28;
      daysInMonth[2] = 31;
      daysInMonth[3] = 30;
      daysInMonth[4] = 31;
      daysInMonth[5] = 30;
      daysInMonth[6] = 31;
      daysInMonth[7] = 31;
      daysInMonth[8] = 30;
      daysInMonth[9] = 31;
      daysInMonth[10] = 30;
      daysInMonth[11] = 31;
      // get the year
      for( var i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
        if( document.forms[0].year_[i].selected )
          tmYear = document.forms[0].year_[i].value;
      // get the month
      for( var i = 0; i < 12; i++ )
        if( document.forms[0].month_[i].selected )
          tmMon = document.forms[0].month_[i].value;
      if( tmMon == 1 )
        if( isLeap( tmYear ) )
          daysInMonth[tmMon] = 29;
      // get the day
      tmDay = document.forms[0].day_.value;
      // check the day
      if( tmDay > daysInMonth[tmMon] || tmDay < 1 )
        errStr = "Day must be an integer from 1 to " + daysInMonth[tmMon] + ".";
        alert( errStr );
        return false;
      return true;
    function makeArray( n )
      this.length = n;
      for( var i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        this[i] = 0;
      return this;
    function isLeap( year )
      if( ( year % 400 == 0 ) || ( ( year % 4 == 0 ) && ( year % 100 != 0 ) ) )
        return true;
        return false;
    // end hiding -->
    <form action="/cgi-bin/w3-msql/~matthew/sample/post.html" 
    method=post onSubmit="return dataValidate()">
      load "sample.lib";
      datePrompt( "", -1, -1, -1 );
    <p><input type="submit" value="Go"></p>

3. Open the webpage: http://localhost/cgi-bin/w3-msql/~matthew/sample.html

4. Script to handle the POST method
Download this html file



    <script language="javascript">
    <!-- begin hiding

    // end hiding -->


    <h2>Form Results</h2>
      load "sample.lib";
      printf( "<p>%s %s, %s</p>", monthtostr( (int)$month_ ), $day_, $year_ );

Last Modified:   17 December 1997
St. Louis Unix Users Group - Linux SIG
Hughes Technologies