The rpmrc File ( taken from the RPM-HOWTO )

Right now, the only configuration of RPM is available via the /etc/rpmrc file. An example one looks like:

require_vendor: 1
require_distribution: 1
require_group: 1
distribution: RHCL 2.0
vendor: Red Hat Software
arch_sensitive: 1
topdir: /usr/src/redhat-2.0

optflags: i386 -O2 -m486
optflags: axp -O2

The require_vendor line causes RPM to require that it find a vendor line. This can come from the /etc/rpmrc or from the header of the spec file itself. To turn this off, change the number to 0. The same holds true for the require_distribution and require_group lines.

The next line is the distribution line. You can define that here or later in the header of the spec file. When building for a particular distribution, it's a good idea to make sure this line is correct, even though it is not required. The vendor line works much the same way, but can be anything (ie. Joe's Software and Rock Music Emporium).

The next line is arch_sensitive. This specifies where the binary RPMs go and what they are named. Right now, i386 is defined as a type within RPM. That means if you are building on an Intel machine and have this value set to true, your RPMs will go in /usr/src/redhat-2.0/RPMS/i386/ and their name will be something like foobar-1.0-1.i386.rpm. If you set this value to 0, the RPMs will be placed in /usr/src/redhat-2.0/RPMS/ and will be named something like foobar-1.0-1.bin.rpm. This does not affect the name or placement of the source RPM, however.

RPM also now has support for building packages on multiple architectures. The rpmrc file can hold an ``optflags'' variable for building things that require architecture specific flags when building. See later sections for how to use this variable.

In addition to the above macros, there are several more. You can use:

Last Modified: 16 March 1996

St. Louis Unix Users Group - Linux SIG