00:25:46 Ron BC: Boffin... 00:35:25 Sean T: That CWE website design is probably older than your studends :laughing: 00:38:57 Ron BC: I've been recently quite impressed by es-lint and its analysis of React JS when packaging it upon each file update in editor. 00:39:31 Ron BC: Combined with VS Code (Codium), which warns of issues prior to even hitting "Save"... Pretty powerful stuff. 00:43:57 Rick Moen, W. Menlo Park, CA: https://www.wilyhacker.com/ <- Firewalls and Internet Security: Repelling the Wily Hacker, 2nd Edition, by Cheswick & Bellovin. Now publicly available under Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0. 01:04:40 Lembark: Haviland & Salima 01:04:52 Mark Orimoloye: thank you~! 01:06:10 Rego: https://www.amazon.com/Unix-System-Programming-Keith-Haviland/dp/0201877589 01:06:31 Rick Moen, W. Menlo Park, CA: UNIX System Programming, by Keith Haviland and Ben Salama, 1987, Addison-Wesley. 01:19:58 Rick Moen, W. Menlo Park, CA: Pez dispenser! 01:20:42 NmxrOFdDT2VyTmtvRnRuK3ZyMCs4QT09: Reacted to "Pez dispenser!" with 👍 01:50:29 Robert Levitt: Adios, everybody. 01:53:49 Sean T: Agree. Really eye opening. Thank you 01:54:35 Carey Schug/USA:IL:Chicago area: starting soon,,,livestream of eclips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21X5lGlDOfg 02:17:40 Carey Schug/USA:IL:Chicago area: chatgpt or its brethren will replace ALL hackers, and make irrelevant all security programmers by being so far ahead of them as to make them irrelevant. 02:34:15 james Conroy: c code made by matlab *shudder* 02:39:34 Sean T: I was listening to a podcast with the former CEO of IBM, she kept saying "modernized mainframes" I'm sure they are still selling them.